Join Gary and Virgie Finch Sunday Evenings.
Sundays, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Fellowship Hall
Join the Mom’s Bible Study. All are welcome. Get together with fellow moms to learn and talk about God and incorporate him more into our homes.
St. Johns Fellowship Hall
Wednesdays, 9:00am – 10:00am

St. John’s Book Club consists of a small group of women who meet the third Saturday of each month to discuss a portion of the book we have chosen to read for that year. (Yes, it takes us a year to read our book since we take our time reading and sharing our thoughts about it with each other). We actually do read a whole book during the summer. Usually, we meet in August to discuss it and get our new book to read for the year. We meet at 9:30 am on the third Saturday of each month at the Hillside house or The Gallery. Talk to Grace Miller if you are interested in reading and discussing with us.
Hillside House or The Gallery
3rd Saturday of every month
Thursdays a group of men meet at the Kalico Kitchen at 6:30 am for Breakfast and Bible.
Every Thursday, 6:30 am
Kalico Kitchen

Join a group of women for Bible Study at St. John’s Lutheran Church in the Fellowship Hall every Monday, 9:30 am.
Join a group of men for breakfast and conversation on the 2nd Saturday of every month. It is held at the Hillside House at 8:30 am.
2nd Saturday of Every Month
St. John’s Hillside House

St. John’s Music & Worship ministry is represented on our church’s Parish Council by a committee of servants dedicated to the exaltation of our Lord through developing and maintaining public worship in Word and Sacrament. Our goal is to promote joyful excellence and maximum participation in all activities feeding into and emanating from the regular, reverent celebration of Christ’s Saving Work, Truth, and Grace. The committee meets monthly, and works with the Pastoral and Administrative teams to craft and schedule Orders of Service appropriate to the specific days and seasons of our Church Calendar. They oversee and support the various groups contributing to the weekly preparation and execution of all holy services. These teams include the Altar Circle (stewards of the sacred elements, vestments and decorations of the sanctuary), Ushers, Greeters, Lay Scripture Readers, Musicians, Vocalists, and other Worship Leaders. They also work together with the Lay Ministers and other ministry teams to support and promote opportunities for Bible & Church teaching, nursery care, care and integration of our pipe organ and other instruments, sound and media systems, and worship-connected fellowship.
St. John’s Quilters get together every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Quilts they make are donated to those in need or for the babies being baptized here at the church. The ladies bring a lunch for a break during the time they meet. Each person has a job they work on to collaborate their next piece. Whether you have quilting experience or not the Quilters are happy to welcome you to this ministry.